
Hydration is important for health. Managing menopausal symptoms is easier if we avoid dehydration. Changes to our bladder health can change our fluid intake and have a negative impact on our health in surprising ways. This course includes::

  • The importance of hydration particularly through menopause

  • Why we might change our fluid intake due to bladder issues

  • Challenging the taboo of talking about 'leaks'

  • How to drink more and stay hydrated

  • How to look after our bladder health

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Hydration and Bladder Health

    2. How the course works

    3. Let's Meet Lynn & Laura

    1. Hydration - An important consideration during Menopause

    2. Tips to help stay hydrated

    3. Recipe Time - a little inspiration

    1. Giggling about incontinence with Elaine Miller

    2. Menopause and Bladder Health

    3. Not just inconvenient

    1. How to avoid becoming a 'leaky' lady

    2. Bladder diary

    3. Other ways to hydrate....

    1. Summary & Useful Links

    2. A taster of our Beauty and Myths course

    3. Eating Well for Menopause - the book

About this course

  • £15.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


The cost for this short course includes approximately 45 minutes of video content, recipe and downloads to keep.

Laura & Lynn

Registered Nutritionists to guide you through the course

Registered Nutritionist Laura Wyness

Laura is an award winning Registered Nutritionist who specialises in nutrition writing, workplace wellness and nutrition communications. Laura studied for her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Aberdeen. Now with over 15-years’ experience working in food innovation and academic research she loves reviewing the scientific evidence and translating it into clear messages. Her freelance work includes providing nutrition content, workplace wellness support and online nutrition consultations for individuals. She also enjoys testing out new recipes!

Registered Nutritionist Lynn Burns

Lynn is a registered nutritionist with many years experience in public health nutrition and recipe analysis. Having gained many years experience working in various nutrition positions within the UK civil service, she is now free lance writing, delivering courses and developing recipes. She has a passion for making eating well accessible to all regardless of the stage of life, health and fitness. A former Trustee of the Caroline Walker Trust, Lynn is very involved in charitable organisations and is currently a scout leader with a great deal of experience working with young people.